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Exterior Caulking Services
Ensuring that your caulking is in top-notch quality protects your home from moisture that comes with rain and snow. Air leaks, draft, and heat loss can also be very costly for your home, so it's crucial that you properly re-caulk and re-seal all exterior openings. Properly sealed joints and gaps can save your house from moisture, condensation, heat loss, and make your house more energy efficient.
If the caulking on your house is failed (cracks, gaps, holes, etc) or is old (over 5-10 years), your house is at risk for mold growth, moisture development, rotting, and any other structural damage. Proper caulking prevents this and keeps humid air from entering your house, which can save your energy costs by 30%+ and improve indoor air quality.
Caulking seals your house
Makes your home more energy efficient
Prevents moisture or condensation
Can last 15+ years
Prevents insects and rodents
Provides an aesthetic look
Flexible caulking settles with the house
And much more...
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